We have a lot to say and we want you to know it. Our blog is a smattering of commentary, information, nonsense, and education. How else are you going to know what we are up to? Come and join our faithful who like to be entertained and informed. Would you like to be a guest blogger? Send us your stuff and you might get your own soap box to stand on. Blah, Blah, Blog the CL way…

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National Nurses Week

National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th, Florence Nightingale’s birthday. In a year like no other, the global

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Our Core Values

Since 1989 our culture has revolved around a set of core values, principles and beliefs that guide us in every aspect of our business. After

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We are excited to now offer Travis Matthew clothing to our apparel lineup. This premier men’s lifestyle brand draws its inspiration from the culture and

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