Yes. We are an athletically fit company but in this case we’re not talking about burpees, lunges or squats. We’re talking about training staff members in multiple aspects of our business. It began when we were a very small company and we all wore many hats in the day to day operations of the business. Here we are 29 years later and in respect to cross training not much has changed. All of our staff are encouraged to learn different tasks and recognize that by bringing more value to us they will be compensated accordingly. Pictured above is Daisy Hernandez who joined our Ruby division just over a year ago in an entry level position, folding t-shirts and doing quality control. Since then she has eagerly taken on multiple other responsibilities, including shadowing her mother in law Elia and learning how to run the sewing machine and do labeling. We are extremely grateful to have people like Daisy and Elia on our staff and are very appreciative of the value they provide our business.

We posted our first blog in July of 2008 and continued to post regularly through December of 2022. A virtual scrapbook of Custom Logos, the blog