They Should Have Called Custom Logos

We are in a custom business and within every order that we do lies multiple opportunities to make mistakes. The key to
our success over the years has been our ability to keep those mistakes to a minimum. We do this by utilizing an extensive
proofing process but also make it a point to become educated and understand the business of our customers. As such,
we have thankfully never had a mistake close to the magnitude of this one.

Roy Halladay bobblehead with glove on wrong hand selling on
By David Brown

As any red-blooded North American schoolboy or girl knows, Roy Halladay is a famous right-handed pitcher for the Philadelphia
Phillies. Halladay is famous because he’s won two Cy Young Awards (and finished second in the voting two more times), and he’s thrown a perfect game (plus a no-hitter in his first playoffappearance). All with his right arm. Right?

Yes. Well, unless he was just foolin’. Because, according to the bobblehead dolls of his likeness that sell on, Roy ain’t
no righty. Normal righty, anyhow. Thanks to Zoo With Roy, the first bolg blog to break this nation-wide, for shedding some light
on this left-wing scandal.

If this bobblehead is the truth, Halladay is either a famous LEFT-handed pitcher who’s been faking us out, or a righty who has
sustained a head injury, thinks he’s a lefty and doesn’t know how to wear a glove or stand on a pitching mound any longer.
He also looks like Billy Bob Thornton from “Sling Blade.” Or some combination therein.

Note: has since removed the Halladay bobblehead from its site.

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