Back in 2004 Custom Logos celebrated our 15th year in business with a complete remodel of our facility. Included during the construction was the introduction of a large conference room with comfortable seating for up to 18 people. When contemplating artwork for the room we were advised that the decor should remain simple in that it should not distract from the meetings going on day to day. But after 8 years of staring at blank walls we’d had enough and recently contracted local artist Ann Golumbuk to spruce things up. While our sales staff was off in Vegas for our annual industry trade show we closed and locked off the room for a week and the transformation took place.Following our company’s theme of supporting our clients, vendors and of course our staff, we are proud to introduce the Wall of Strength.
We posted our first blog in July of 2008 and continued to post regularly through December of 2022. A virtual scrapbook of Custom Logos, the blog