When Custom Logos was founded almost 22 years ago the staff consisted of 4 guys, aged 21-29, none of which had families. Today with a staff of 45 we are blessed with an abundance of children and a staff evenly comprised of men and women. It seems like someone is always pregnant and the kids are all growing like weeds. Pictured above is Mark Sawitzky with his family that now includes the newest addition, baby son Kyle who was born on 4/22/11 weighing 8 lbs, 2 ounces and measuring 21 inches in length. Representing Custom Logos in the other picture is two year old, Tyler Ellis, son of CFO Shawn Ellis, who appears to be enjoying a lovely day at the SD Zoo.

We posted our first blog in July of 2008 and continued to post regularly through December of 2022. A virtual scrapbook of Custom Logos, the blog