This week 18 Custom Logos staff members (aka, The Cleanse Crew) and many of our spouses embarked on a 7 day cleanse. We are focused on cutting out inflammatory agents and are refraining from eating grains, red meat, dairy, soy, corn, caffeine, alcohol, processed sugars, and processed foods. Our focus is on ingesting copious amounts of real fresh food including vegetables, fruit, chicken, eggs, fish, and turkey. Lots of water is of course encouraged as well. While many of us have tried cleanses and fasts in the past, this one has been pretty fun as so many of us are involved. As they say, misery loves company and as an added benefit, after just a few days almost everyone has lost a few lbs.

We posted our first blog in July of 2008 and continued to post regularly through December of 2022. A virtual scrapbook of Custom Logos, the blog