For the past 27 years a large part of our business has revolved around decorating garments here at our San Diego corporate headquarters. We do both screenprinted and embroidered apparel in house and control all aspects of each process. Screenprinting is the largest division of our company and we are certainly one of, if not the largest player in our industry locally. While we take our business very seriously we have always joked that “no one ever died from an ugly t-shirt” and “if we didn’t print ugly t-shirts we would be out of business.” While those statements still hold true, over the years screenprinting has evolved into quite an art form and screenprinted tees in particular have been at the center of many controversial stories. Along those lines, we found the following article very interesting and feel you will too. Check it out….

We posted our first blog in July of 2008 and continued to post regularly through December of 2022. A virtual scrapbook of Custom Logos, the blog