Our Business is Fun

The majority of our staff has worked in various industries over the years before settling in here Custom Logos, a member of the Advertising Specialty Industry. Compared to 99% percent of the occupations we have all held, I can tell you without question that the reason the average tenure of our employees is over 10 years is because what we do is fun. Sure there is stress and deadlines and dumb questions to deal with everyday, but in the end, we have a lot of fun. Our motto is “Have Fun, Make Money” and the emphasis around here is equal measures of both. Finally, it’s always fun for us to see the work we’ve done highlighted as is the case in the following article. You see, as part of the work we did for the Angels this year we produced the masks pictured overseas and delivered them for their event. Fun stuff, check it out…

Original article can be found here.

Masked Angels fans set world record

“Can you drink beer with it on?” asked the Angels fan ask he came through the turnstile before Tuesday night’s game and was handed the biggest, baddest, reddest promotional giveaway of the baseball — or is it wrestling? – season.

Everyone in the Angel Stadium crowd of 40,128 for the 6-2 Angels’ victory over the White Sox received a glittery, red, Lucha-Libre-inspired wrestling mask bearing a white haloed ‘A’ logo to have an opportunity to participate in smackdown history.

On the heels of last year’s Guinness World Record-setting gathering of the most people shrouded in Snuggies, the Angels went for the book again in the top of the fifth inning by asking fans to become part of “the largest gathering of people wearing costume mask” by donning the masks for 10 consecutive minutes.

It took about 10 seconds for most fans to tear open the plastic bag stamped “Made in China” and remove the giveaway mask. I couldn’t resist trying mine on and going under cover.

After a brief contact high and chemically-loaded whiff of the synthetic fabric, I pulled and tugged the one-size-fits-all mask into place. Sort of.

Eyes in eye holes. Mouth in mouth hole. Nose in… no hole. There are two tiny slits where the grappler’s nostrils are supposed to be and mine weren’t.

My vision got a little foggy. My face started to itch. I felt a headache coming on. This is what happens when you put your head in strange places.

I felt ready to pull off a bank heist – or challenge Lesley Ross, the psychiatrist sitting next to me, to a table match. But I feared being put in a straitjacket. On either count.

“You’re right. It smells funny,” said my Section 406 neighbor Maura Alarcon, of Anaheim, looking at me through her mask and twitching at the nose. “Pretty strange feeling.”

Pretty strange night, actually. I had already seen two quartets of wrestlers in full costume, including one red-caped man – definitely a man – in leopard-print tights. A hairy chested Dave “Dave-O” Vasquez in a black singlet, flexed muscles and machismo in the concourse with his brood, Angel Alvarado and Mickey Alvarado and Oliver Gomez.

Hundreds of people were taking photos on their smartphones and posting new Facebook photos. Early arrivals put on the mask and then their sunglasses to take in the sunset. Those staying late into the game buddled up in last year’s Angels Snuggie and threw on the Angels ski bonnet giveaway from earlier this season.

It was strange to see what people could do while under cover on the night the ballpark had to lift its ban on masks. (There was also extra security.)

Masked men stood to cheer Torii Hunter’s line drive single in the first inning, then clumsily fell back into their seats. No peripheral vision.

A masked woman threw on her reading glasses and kept score. A masked person — man? woman? giraffe? I can’t tell — made a cell phone call. A masked family ate hot dogs and sipped soda while I wiped crumbs of my Halos ice cream sandwich from the apparent storage space between the mask and my jawline.

Behind me in Row H, Juan Serna of Fullerton had tightened the back laces of his mask was raising grappling hands at his son, Ivan, 12, also masked and equally menacing. Looking on was Salvador Salinas, 20, of Fullerton, his wrestling mask rested on top of his head like a hat.

“What?” he said, staring back at a masked me. “It’s hot with it on.”

But Salinas and most of the crowd who had resisted putting on the mask threw on the throw-down apparel when the giant videoboard over right field featured a clip from “Nacho Libre” and the instructions, “Put on your masks!”

The crowd roared and it wore. Corners of the board devoted to ads and extra statistics became home to the Guinness World Record 10 minute countdown clock.  

“Put it on!,” masked strangers yelled at a stone-faced White Sox fan who didn’t want to be a part of anything Angels.

“Keep it on!,” masked neighbored yelled at a watermelon-headed guy who complained about the mask being too small. Failing to keep the mask on for 10 consecutive minutes disqualified him from counting toward the record.

“Go rob a 7-Eleven!,” the red-faced, un-red-masked man yelled back. Fortunately these weren’t fighting or wrestling words.

Ushers moved through their sections counting the few fans who abstained from looking like an extra from “Nacho Libre.”

As the countdown clock reached its final 10 seconds, fans stood and joined in, “10, nine…” Just as the clock hit “0:00” and masked fans cheered, masked fans cheered doubly because the Angels’ Howie Kendrick drilled a double into left field, scoring Hunter for the Angels’ 6-1 lead.

Guinness World Record Adjudicator Amanda Mochan, who had been flown in by the Angels from New York, was present to make the record official and give a plaque to a masked Angels chairman Dennis Kuhl in a quick ceremony in the Diamond Club.

“This was one of the more entertaining records, and yes, I did laugh,” said Mochan, who had just come the largest gathering of people doing Zumba and is now headed to a salon attempting to perform the most haircuts at one time.

Hmmmm, what record might the Angels want to set next? As I considered the possibilities, I discovered, yes, you can drink beer with the mask on.

— Reporting from Anaheim

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