A seventeen year veteran of Custom Logos, Tim Berroth came to us as an embroidery operator, making minimum wage back in his youth. As our Operations Manager, he makes a little more now while overseeing both production departments, screenprinting and embroidery, as well as the warehouse. If that sounds like a lot, it is. On any given day he has about 45 staff members reporting to him and also acts as liason between our 16 sales reps and his departments. Again, if that sounds like a lot, it is. Tim embraces his responsiblilities and truly lives by our company philosophy of Doing Whatever it Takes. For that reason and much more Tim was awarded Manager of the Year at our recent manager’s meeting. Just to clarify, with a management team consisting of only 7 members, we don’t typically recognize a manager of the year every year. In fact, the last award was given out in 2014. But what we do is to recognize managers who have had an exemplary year, and such was the case with Tim. Congrats Tim and on behalf of the entire staff of Custom Logos, thanks for all you do!

We posted our first blog in July of 2008 and continued to post regularly through December of 2022. A virtual scrapbook of Custom Logos, the blog