Pictured above with prize in hand, Custom Logos’ CFO Shawn Ellis is congratulated by CEO Jeff Golumbuk on his receipt of the first annual Manager of the Year award. Selected amongst the ten member management team, Shawn was instrumental in numerous large initiatives in 2013 including but not limited to a wholesale revamping of our entire IT system, and the reengineering of our fulfillment warehouse. Shawn’s day to day responsibilities include finance, human resources, IT, and oversight of all warehouse and operations. To say he carries a heavy load would be an understatement. We are very thankful to have him on our team and his reward (in addition to the tequila and the privilege to keep his job) is a generous cash bonus. Thanks Ellis for all you do!

We posted our first blog in July of 2008 and continued to post regularly through December of 2022. A virtual scrapbook of Custom Logos, the blog